Bob Prentice
Updated: Apr 9, 2020
In today’s fast paced, ever changing world, it’s more important than ever to keep things simple. We humans often tend to complicate things more than we need to, so keeping things simple may seem kind of hard. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
When things start to get out of whack, confusing and/or complicated, going back to the core foundation that forms my basic beliefs, helps me to focus on what is most important. It’s a simple strategy that works well for me. I find getting back to the basics helps to me experience greater peace, joy and success in my life on a day-to-day basis.
Here are a few strategies (in no particular order) I use to keep it simple:
I slow down for a few minutes to simply breathe and think deeply.
I go outdoor for some fresh air and to enjoy God’s creation.
I look at the circumstances/situations in light of my priorities and I shift and refocus as necessary.
I remind myself that I don’t have to buy the cow to get a glass of milk.
I remember that now may or may not be the time to complicate my life. One of my favorite sayings is, Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
I invite one of the grandkids over just to hang out with me.
I tackle a job I have been putting off.
I look for something I can do to serve someone else.
I eat ice cream while watching a favorite show or movie with my wife.
Because life doesn’t need to be so complicated, I have determined to keep it simple, fun and meaningful, and I encourage you to do the same.