Updated: Apr 9, 2020
I remember how hard it was in the early years of the business to survive. It was extremely difficult to feed my family and pay the bills every month.

I was the sole bread winner for my family, as my wife focused on the children and our home and supported me with her skills in creating my marketing and classroom materials on the computer. Vicki’s efforts to save us money was extremely vital in the lean times.
Fortunately over the years things slowly improved. Whew!
That saying, “No pain is no gain” is so true. Fortunately, as the business and my skills sets improved so did our finances.
I remember one day thirty years ago looking at the electric bill and thinking, “They should be writing me checks.” So I decided to pursue the local electric company as a client. Not only did I get the them as a client, but over the years I have served dozens of electric companies with my motivational sessions. I just needed the spark!
I remember making the car payment one day and saying to myself, “I should go get the car dealer as a customer.” I did, and now I have had mechanics, sales people, and managers from a dozen or more car dealers over the years as customers. Now I was on a roll!
I remember the dental bills coming in, and once again, deciding to go get clients in the dental industry. Love to smile!
Looking at the bank statements it occurred to me I should get a bank client or two. To date 40 banks and credit unions have written me checks over the years. Banking the profits!
I needed to pay the house insurance, car insurance, and life insurance so I figured I better add an insurance company to my list. To date I have delivered highly motivational and result producing training sessions to a dozen different insurance companies and hundreds of insurance agents. Insuring my success!
I needed to have money for my wife to go buy our families groceries, so I went and worked with several grocery stores and impacted lives in a positive way. Eating well!
We had doctor visits and yep you’re right; I went and found a couple dozen health care facilities all over the eight state region who wanted to have me touch the hearts and minds of their employees. A healing decision!
Looking back to see over 50 industries have hired me during the last 35 years with over 450,000 humans having listened and applied my ideas, thoughts, tools, resources into their lives.
I was simply trying to pay the bills doing something that I love, and hoping that in some small way, I could make a difference in this world. I am so humbled.