Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Visiting with my son the other day I was reminded of the power of the word FREE. Honestly, I feel everyone should know this but somehow it has got lost in translation. I feel responsible to help people understand this very powerful principle and attitude. It has worked wonderfully for me over the years as I have applied this concept, mindset, and belief system daily. I know we all have heard that when you give, you get. I believe this attitude completely 100% and with much enthusiasm. Giving yourself away by providing some type of a service is smart business. Giving a sample of your product is smart business. It seems strange to think–and I know it is hard to believe–but FREE is a good word. When I was 20, I told the manager of a gas station I would work for FREE for a couple of days so that he could find out what kind of a worker I would be for him. I got the job. When I was 21, I told the owner of a radio station I would work for FREE for a couple of days so that he could find out what kind of worker I would be for him. I got the job. When I was 25, I told the owner of a fleet of radio stations I would work for him for FREE for a couple of days so that he could find out what kind of worker I would be for him. I got the job. When I was 30, I told the general manager (at that time) of North America’s largest gold mine in the Black Hills of South Dakota, that I would work for FREE because I wanted to train and empower all the employees at Homestake. I got the job. When I was 35, I told the management of several coal mines in Gillette, Wyoming I would work for FREE for a couple of sessions. I got the job. I have sold car dealers, insurance companies, banks, credit unions, retail stores, businesses and organizations totaling over 50 different industries on the idea of hiring me, by gifting them with a FREE hour or two of my time, and the results have always been there. I have never had a challenge with employment in over 40 years. I have made hundreds of thousands of friends, hundreds of new clients, and money has always been there when we needed it. I love giving gifts in my training sessions. I love gifting my neighbors with fresh produce from my gardens. I love giving my books away to brighten another’s day. I love gifting others with weekly motivation and inspiration through my newsletter. I love giving away my time, my energy and my talents. I have more FREE time than most. I have more real estate and property than I need. I have more computers and electronic toys than most. I am truly blessed. I give FREE stuff away daily. Give FREELY before a sale is made in business, give FREELY during the sale in business, and give FREELY after the sale is made, and you will never have to worry about gathering more customers. My encouragement to you is to rethink the power of the word FREE. If you are still struggling with it, I understand. Feel FREE to reach out to me and I will help you see the light.