We had a wonderful time in Marshalltown, Iowa, this last weekend at the home of Doris and Steve Ames. The occasion was their 8th annual Summer Bash and celebration of Steve's book, Only Broken Seeds Grow, which recently reached #1 on Amazon. The food was delicious, and the music of Richie Lee and his 50's band was so much fun! Steve is a coaching client of mine, and Vicki built his website (https://www.onlybrokenseedsgrow.com/), so we have had plenty of interaction with Steve over the phone and via texting and email; it was finally good to meet him and his family in person!
During the party, Steve invited me to say a few words, and I decided to share a warm fuzzy story. Over the last 30-plus years, I have had the joy and pleasure of sharing the story of warm fuzzies everywhere I go in my speaking engagements. While sharing attitudes, I traditionally engage with people by giving out my warm fuzzies. So at this party, a little girl in the audience was treasuring the little handful of fuzzies I had given her. She was so delighted I asked if she would be willing to hand out some warm fuzzies to the rest of the audience. She responded with great enthusiasm, and as you can tell, Ava was sharing the warm fuzzies with everyone, young and old.
Because she responded with such great enthusiasm and ensured every person present got a warm fuzzy, she was rewarded with a copy of Mr. Attitude’s Color My Attitude Coloring Book. Ava was pleased because she had no idea of the reward. It reminds all of us to take advantage of the opportunities when they come knocking on our door. Oh yes, and as Ava says, everyone deserves a warm fuzzy.
