Updated: Apr 9, 2020
Last weekend I had the most incredible opportunity to work with these young people early on a weekend morning. The purpose for this meeting was to equip future leaders with resources, tools, and ideas to be a dynamic leader. These children are from the families of men and women who serve in the SD National Guard.
Each of these students taught me more than I taught them I believe. They were engaging, confident communicators, friendly, funny, and are ready to take on the world. They are each destined for greatness.
Speaking at the SDNG State Family and Youth Symposium 2018 was a life changing experience.
Thank you again to the parents who allowed me to plant seeds of awesomeness even more into their children.
They loved all the activities and especially the Bucket 'O Rocks activity and Warm Fuzzies!!! They each got a page to color out of my world famous coloring book too.
We paused at the end for a group photo.