Updated: Apr 9, 2020
There is a trend developing in a number of people that I know. I see this because I have been there in my own life. I had to make massive change to have even the slightest degree of success. (If this article hits home with you, trust me–it is for you.) These people I know make excuses for things they should be doing automatically in their job or in life in general–things they know they should be taking responsibility for and don’t; they fail to be accountable where they need to be accountable. Making excuses is a very harmful habit to develop. Every excuse only makes it harder to make change in the long run. Frankly, there is no room for excuses. I have a very hard time respecting people who make excuses for things not getting done. Successful people take action. Listen to yourself. Ask those around you if they hear you making excuses. Trust me, they will tell you. There IS room for these responses:
I will get right on that...
Thank you for the reminder…
That is my first task in the morning…
Yes, I know I need to write an Action Plan for that…
You are right. I do need some help...
Anything but these responses:
I am too busy...
I forgot about that...
I am tired...
It is not my job…
That won't work because…
Take action and BECOME! Become the leader you want and need to become. Take charge of your life and your business. Your excuses will get you nowhere. Your excuses will bleed over and hold you back in every facet of your life. Ultimately this habit will creep into all aspects of your life and you will wake up one day and wonder what happened. Be brave and make a decision today to break this habit. You can do this. I know you can. Determine now to make NO room whatsoever for the habit of making excuses. Instead, make a new habit of being more responsible and respectable. Take action and become!